Supporting my Creative Endeavors 

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Mother Superior
DysphoriaBB is giving into the desires of the flesh and must be brought back to the light of our Father. Only a holy Mother Superior can make that happen.
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Encounters- Part I & II
Elise Graves plays the role of alien abductor in this sci-fi inspired bondage & breeding film. Take me to your leader.
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Film Short starring Bobbylabottom & myself. Film by me
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Catch & Release
Rope Bondage film documenting a scene between Plant Gal & myself. Film by me
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Two friends gossip sess gets steamy. Starring Lily Kasai & myself. Film by me
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Rituals of Devotion
A sacrifice of pleasure to the pagan gods. Starring Bunny Gloom & myself. Film by me
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A medical Dolly transformation. Starring Lily Kasai & myself. Film by me
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Pleasure Research Center
A clinic with.. questionable practices, where everyone leaves happy. Starring TenAgainst, Mona Marbelle, Plant Gal, & myself. Film by me

Fan Pages


DOLL FANS & FILMS - this is my personal fans site with the most updates photos, films, & lives.


We are currently available for custom video creation. Get in touch with us to find out more.


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